
Visual Studio Code is slated for a UX refresh

The team also plans to make it easier to identify extensions that negatively impact performance. Accessibility is another fundamental goal.

The roadmap drills into a number of specific areas for consideration, covering the user experience (UX), the editor, the workbench, TypeScript support, language features, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), debugging, and extensions.

UX improvements

  • Planned improvements cover continued incremental enhancements to presentation and behavior.
  • Explore the integration of the Fluent Design system, for building user interfaces for deployment on different form factors, on Windows.

Code editing

  • investigating both the isolation of the editor from misbehaving grammars and support for semantic coloring.
  • Returning localization support to the standalone Monaco editor.

Workbench capabilities

  • Exploration into detachable workbench parts, which would be a challenge to implement, due to architectural issues.
  • Filtering and fast keyboard navigation in trees.
  • Improvements for the file explorer when working in large workspaces.
  • Safe provision of richer customizability.

TypeScript support

  • Collaborate with the TypeScript team on code editing and navigation.
  • Understand experiences for both TypeScript and JavaScript.
  • Improve integration of the tslint linter by running it as a TypeScript Server plug-in.

Language support

  • Improve “Expand Selection” to better adhere to language semantics.
  • Enable language extensions to support call and type hierarchies.
  • Improve support for navigating complex error descriptions.

Windows Subsystem for Linux support

  • Investigate extensions to leverage available tools.
  • Look at what other changes are being enabled by changes needed for WSL.

Debugging improvements

  • Offer data breakpoints support.
  • Improve hovering and inline values by leveraging knowledge about the programming language.
  • Continue documenting debugging recipes for common configurations.

Extensions support

  • Support the install of an extension without reloading the workbench.
  • Improve the extension recommendation system.
  • Make extension usage more secure and improve the process for handling malicious extensions.
  • Collaborate with authors to improve extensions.

Microsoft last year published a 2018 roadmap for Visual Studio Code, citing planned improvements in areas such as TypeScript and memory usage.