
What Is the Future of Mobile App Development?

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With the smartphone sales explosion in recent years and smartphones becoming cheap and more affordable, the number of persons on the Internet has been increased exponentially. The increase in volume has resulted in making the mobile app industry very big. By the end of 2016, it is expected that there would be over 10 billion devices on the Internet. There are a few things which developers need to know about future of mobile app development to be up-to-date on the latest trends.

Cross-Platform and Cross-Device Development

Apps are no longer limited to single platforms. Android, due to its pricing, will rule the platform business in terms of sales, and iOS will rule the high-end market. In time, applications will no longer be confined to specific platforms. With the evolution of HTML5, the future of mobile application will see hybrid mobile applications and will work for all platforms.

IoT Applications

Technology has made us all very lazy but the best is still to come. The IoT (Internet of Things) will help us control things around us via applications. Google Glass, Apple Watches, and others are just the beginning. These days we are seeing some great models of IoT Applications such as self driving cars, fridges that read your tweets, and rings that control everything, etc. In time, we will see more of these being used in our daily lives.